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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  November 4, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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ohio. >> you can't do my job. you do sean hannity's job. >> that's my job. all of the time >> greta: this is a fox news alert. governor mitt romney is speaking at rally in newport newses, virginia. let's listen. >> he calls it as you know, forward. i call it forewarned. >> the same course we have been on is not going to lead to a better are destination. the same path means $20 trillion in debt passed on to our kids. it means crippling unmany ployment and stagnant take home pay and depressed home values and means a devastated military which we must not allow to happen. and unless we change course are we may actually be looking at another recession.
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now, in his closing arguments, president obama asked h his supporters to vote for revenge. [booing] >> for revenge. i ask the american people instead to vote for love of country. [ cheers and applause ] >> usa! >> usa! >> usa! >> together we have got to lead america to a better place and we are only -- two days, not three. almost one. we are only two days away from a fresh start. two days away from the first day of a new beginning. my conviction that better days are ahead is not based on
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promises or hollow rhetoric but on solid plans and proven results and on an unshakeable faith in the american spirit. if there is any one who is worried that the last four years are the best we can do, if there is any one who fears that the american dream is fading away, if there is any one who wonders whether better jobs and better pay checks are things of the past i have a clear and unequivocal message. with the right leadership america is about to come roaring back. [ cheers and applause ] >> we are americans. we can do anything. and the only thing that stands between us and some of the best years we have ever known is lack of leadership and that is why we have elections. this tuesday it the moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do. to put the past four years behind us and to start buildin a new you future. you you saw the differences when president obama and i were
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side-by-side during the debates. he says it has to be this way. i say it can't stay this way. he s offering excuses. i have got a plan. i can't wait to get started. he is hoping we will settle. but americans don't settle. we build. we aspire. we listen to a voice that says we can do better. >> greta: and that, of course, was the candidate for the republican ticket governor romney. vice presidential candidate paul ryan is also speaking at a rally. this one in castle rock, colorado. let's briefly listen in. of revenge. [crowd booing] >> we are asking for your are vote out of love of country. that is what americans do.
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and the way we are doing this is we believe we should not just give you vague platitudes or run against the other are guy or try and tear down the other guy. we give you ideas. the reason we keep talking about the five point plan s we leave we ought to respect you our fellow citizens by giving you specific solutions. real reforms for a real recovery that get people what back to work. we have so is much energy in this country. let's put people back to work. let's get jobs. it is right in front of us. it is right here. and for those men and women who are struggling, who are falling behind or in between jobs get the bureaucracy out of the way and get them the skills they need orchids stuck in struggling schools in the inner city and rural area let the
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parents take them out of a school and put them in a good school that works for them. we believe in education reform. we need to make more things. >> greta: we have governor romney back. let's go back to governor romney speaking at a rally in newport newses, virginia. let's take a list. >> which underscored my conviction that the american people will always rise to the occasion. something special about the people of this land. we have within our hearts a desire to live for something bigger than ourself. our family. our faith. our community. our school. our nation. this was at a -- a boy scout court of honor. any boy scouters here? [ cheers and applause ] >> i was one of the leaders in the scouts and i was seated up front at one of the for mica table there's and at this court of honor we give out eagle scout awards to boys that earned them and other awards. i was at the end of the table next to the american flag and the scout master who was
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speaking to the boys and parents there was the scout master for monument, colorado. he described the fact that his boy scout troop wanted to have a very special american flag so they bought one. they had it flown above the capital building and when it came home they called nasa and said we would like you to take our flag and put it on the space shuttle and nasa agreed. he said you can't imagine how proud those boys were to be able to watch the tv set in their home rooms at school and see the shuttle challenger launch into the air and then they saw it explode on the tv screen. he said he called nasa a couple of weeks later and said have you found any remnant of our flag and they hadn't. he kept calling week after week and month after month and finally gave up until one day he was reading an article in the paper that described the debris from the challenger disaster and it mentioned a
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flag. he called and nasa said in fact we have a presentation to make to your boys. nasa came together and the scout troop came together and they presented the scouts with this plastic container. said the boys opened it up and there inside was our flag in perfect condition. and then he said that is it on the flagging pole next to mr. romney. i just reached over and grabbed it and pulled it out and it was as if electricity was running through my arm. because i thought about the men and women in our space program and the fact that they willingly walk in harm's way out of a desire to provide learning and knowledge for us. they live for something bigger than themselves. think of our men and women in uniform and their willingness to walk in harm's way for us and our prosperity and our freedom and our future. there is a verse in one of our national hymns i love.
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"america the beautiful." it begins by describing the beauty of our landscape but the verse o beautiful for heros proved in liberating strife who more than self-their country love and mercy more than life. would our are veterans and members of the armed services please raise your hands and be recognized? thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is a military state, you know that? [ cheers and applause ] >> and there is some other people in our country who give themselves to different things that bring them greater purpose and meaning. i think about my sister. she is a hero in my view. a hero so defined as someone not who is large than life but as someone who is larger than themselves. my sister lynn is in her 70s.
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her husband passed away a few years ago. she has 8 children and 7 married with children of their own jrkts 8th child was born down's syndrome and he is now 43 years old and lynn devotes her life to making sure jeffrey has as full and abundant life as he can possibly have. she is a hero to me. think about the single moms across the country scraping to get by just to have enough money for a good meal at the end of the day for their children. think of all of the dads and moms who are working two jobs so they can buy the clothes that their kids need so they don't stand out and look different than the other kids at school. think about the parents this christmas who won't be exchanging gifts with each other so they can have enough to give gifts to their children at christmas time. we are generous people. we are a great people. this is a time when we need to have leaders that will call us
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together and bring us together. i will do everything in my power to reignite america's economy. to rebuild our principles of trust and faith. to make sure that the the military stays stronger than any other in the world by a wide margin but i will also work to bring us together. to bring the american people to a convictionion that we are a great nation in part because we are so united. this is a challenge which i have for you. i need you to go out and convince people to get behind us to vote. to join our team. one final push will get us there. i know that we can make it happen. we are so very, very close. so, the door to a brighter few future, it's there. it's open to us. it's waiting for us. i need you vote. i need your h help. walk with me. let's walk together. let's start anew. america is coming back strong. we are going to help our people who need help with good jobs. thanks so much, you guys.
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are virginia is the best! thank you so very much. thank you. thanks, guys. ♪ >> greta: of course, that was governor romney speaking in newport newses, virginia. and right now, president obama is heading to his next event in aurora, colorado which will happen after midnight eastern time. joining us former senior advisor to president regan pat buchanan. >> an excellent closing speech for the campaign. he has and he may not have the numbers but he certainly has the look of a winner. you see there, greta. >> greta: i think he would rather have the numbers than the look. >> they may be there, too. he was throughout in ohio. had 30,000 people. i see real energy and fire and enthusiasm and a sense that we can win this inning in the romney campaign. the key question is and he s doing very well among independents. the key question is can that overcome what is the superior ground game the president has always had and can it overcome
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the state polls that you see in realclearpolitics state by state where they show him slidely behind. i think maybe he can but i don't know how exactly how i would bet if i had to put everything i had on it. but you what did romney have to do? north carolina, he picks up florida and virginia where he is is right now and takes ohio and new hampshire, 270 electoral votes. if he loses ohio and takes, pennsylvania, which is a little more uphill then he has 270 votes. if he loses ohio and gets colorado and wisconsin, your state, he still won. i think he is very much in this game and i know a lot of my colleagues are saying he has -- i think he is on a winning course. i don't know if he has got it won. >> the ground game is where we are. that is the most important thing, the ground game. i'm trying to snoop around to see who is doing what for ground games. i have ralph reid, faith and freedom coalition. he told me that he had governor sarah palin through a ro robocl
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that has gone to 12 million voters. i said how important is she to getting voters out. >> he described her as a major asset and she resonates strongly with evangelical women and social conservatives and she is major assets. 180,000 line calls from volunteers. others do robo calls. governor huckabee and marco rubio. that is part of the ground game. >> you cannot get a better person than sarah palin to go for the republican base. the tee party and evangelicals and social conservatives. she still has tremendous clout with the groups and they should be inspired even while mitt is escheng on the economickish issue. there were people pounding on my front door and i go up there and they didn't know who i was. they said are you going to vote tuesday and are you going to
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vote for governor romney. i said, yes, i will be at the polls. i talked to folks at church this morning who said i'm calling from d.c. into ohio. there s tremendous aments of volunteer work and energy and enthusiasm and that really counts for something. sometimes it can translate terrifically. newt and george will and others are saying they think he is going to win by five or six. i will settle for 270. >> greta: i think the enthusiasm has picked up for -- president obama's own enthusiasm, he got more enthusiasm not so much with hurricane sandy which a lot of people look at but actually with president bill clinton on the trail and really pulling out the crowds and playing the old theme music and have him going to pennsylvania. >> have him going to pennsylvania. says they are nervous a little bit about pennsylvania. the president is going out to colorado following paul ryan. that says look this is a firewall that may be about to be he breached. i do think the president has
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been hurt. look at the close of mitt romney. it was gracious and nice and uplifting and it was america. and the president in his final day says voting is the best revenge. >> greta: i mean that is an expression, though. >> it is living well is the best revenge is the expression. >> well, yes, of course. >> he changed it a little bit. >> but that tells me what a difference from -- i remember 2008. the crowds were rolling with obama and he was just happy and hope and change and we going to do it and transform america. where s that? >> greta: i think he is getting his enthusiasm from president bill clinton in a strange way. i mean he really revs up the crowd and gets people laughing and talking. president obama doesn't quite have the fire h his belly. >> no doubt that president obama s a good stump speaker. he is very good at it but the message i mean i tell you i think he was helped by being up there in that disaster area.
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but when gets back on the road with the ronnesia and those things he comes down from the great pedestal and pull pit of the presidency and becomes another candidate like someone in the the primaries going after a frontrunner and i think that diminishes the president. i do think, as i say, he interrupted romney's momentum. i think he also got himself up in that pull pit and squashed the benghazi thing for a week. but i think since that i think he has been going back to where he was. me might find out in gallup, gallup at points at mitt up five and six and seven points. see where he shows you up tomorrow morning. >> greta: i don't know why any one is paying attention to the national polls right now. i'm only paying attention to colorado and ohio and pennsylvania and florida, wisconsin. >> if mitt romney is going to win let's say gallup by five points then states you and i aren't even talking about, minnesota and others, they come into -- if he has a big wave going then a number of the other states come into play and
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the even states probably tip over. but all of the polls i'm seeing rasmussen, they all have it even. washington post, mitt s down one. and the energy enthusiasm have got the to make up for that. >> greta: i can't even imagine what these two men are going through. >> well, you know, as i say you take a look at mitt and he looks like i have done the best i could. in is a great country. and it is in the lap of the gods if you will. and that sense, didn't you get that from watching him in the the closing remarks. he is very tired you can see that. >> greta: i think they are both exhausted and it has been a long couple of years. we'll see tuesday night. still another 36 hours to go. pat, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: the romney campaign has a surprise and now says pennsylvania is in play. we will new numbers and democratic strategist joe trippi is here to talk about them. dick morris say said last week
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governor romney with win by a landslide. does he stand by thater prediction? he s up next. [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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>> on thursday night last week dick morris went on the record saying governor romney will win by a land slide. two-days out does he stand by his prediction or did it change? what do you think? >> we are going to win by a land
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it will be twill be the biggest surprise in recent american political history. it will rekindle the whole question as to why the media played this race as a nail biter. i think romney will win quite a bit. he is going to carry 325 electoral votes. we have a map i think you can see them that i think he is going to win florida, virginia, north kierl line gnaw indiana these are states obama won last time. iowa, ohio, new hampshire, wednesday wednesd pennsylvania, wisconsin and minnesota and colorado. this is going to be a land lied. i base this not on intuition or smelling the tea leaves i base
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it on reading the polls. the exact polls that say obama is going to win. when you look at the polls and study them you take count of all of the facts you see how those polls are telling you romney will win in a land slide. pew research has a poll today that says obama will win 51-57. 50 to 47. 50 to 47. then you look at their sample. they have four points more democrats than republicans. gallup which has done the definitive study on party id in the last week with 4,000 interviews says 3 points more republicans than democrats. that poll is 7 points wrong. when it says romney is going to lose by 3 he is going to win by four. then on top of that in pugh's own data they say romney voters are 6-8 times more likely to
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vote than owe ban ma voters. that's another 3 points. add that on and you have romney winning by 7. the incumbent takes the 7-8 points undecided split it 2-1. you have romney winning by 8 or 9 points. in the same poll i don't see an obama victory. you drill down thinking these three things. the amble the undecided going against the incumbent. you get a true shape of what the election doesn't want to know. either you really write or you are off the would being r i have done this for a living there are
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people peopm on politics. but when you get down by a particle loef. i have been doing this for 40 years. i know how to read a poepoll. this is how you read the poll. this is what it says. you are going to see it on election day. >> you put pennsylvania as a win for governor romney. i think it is interesting, president clinton is headed there i think tomorrow. that would be a big surprise, would it not be? that would shock most people if pennsylvania went to the republicans? >> it wasn't gone president for president since 88. 5 new republican congressman.
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is it wasn't a big of a surprise. the latest poll has it 47-47. you are looking at i believe a about five or $6 win. i think the out liar is michigan. i think his uaw stuff will help the president. they carry nevada. other than that i don't see him winning any of these states. >> we have 20 seconds left under your scenario governor romney can lose ohio and you will wind. 325. ohio was over rated. pennsylvania, questions questions and a good shot footbal we will be watching. i have this tape. like i sayou are either really smart. you told me accountable.
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>> florida congressman allen pest, 29 electoral votes. not atornadoing dick morris is here and joe tripypypypypy ♪ chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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a oo polling has president obama over romney. this will be a win score of governor romney he says. >> if somebody is really wrong and somebody is going to look like a genius on tuesday, and i think part of what is happening here and you see it in the two polls you talked about p-it is two different -- both campaigns have two different models turnout models they are looking at. that's why i agree. somebody is going to get 300 electoral votes. i don't think it will be close. all of the twin states are so
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close if the romney model is right they are going to win all of these swing states. if they are wrong in the obama folks are right about the turnout model then obama is going to win florida and ohio and all of these swing states. i really believe that. i find for a lot of reasons what is interesting is people who have done this for a reading know how to read these thing. i look at them. i look at the same things dick morris and karl rove and others have looked at. i believe the obama turnout model will be different than on election day. i may be sitting here with egg on my face. >> off my rocker is the expression i used. >> exactly. i am saying right now for pens
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to be in place the romney model has to be in place. if that is true i don't understand what he is doing in virginia or going back to florida. these states should be in the bag in states like pennsylvania in play. here's what i think is going on. either both campaigns believe in their turnout model but fear the other one is right. if you believe your turnout model is right and believe you are going to win pennsylvania but you fear romney president clinton to rool lee the troops and play defense for you. the romney people are going to florida and virginia. they believe in their model they fear it might be the obama turnout model they play if they are fighting for states that are in the bag. i don't recall an election quite like it.
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one that is so in the air and so many people i respect who know how to read these things have come totally michael barone somebody i respect who is projecting 300 on the other side for romney. i disagree about them. they are going to disagree with me. >> there are basically two models what percentage democrats vote and what percentage democrats vote. if you look at 2008 the republicans say that's an anomaly. there's so much enthusiasm for president obama. they should look at a different model. two or four more accurate. is that the simplified version of this? >> if thwhat age groups things like that.
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if i look at the mix you believe that's what your turnout is going to be. the obama people knew from day one of what the model is supposed to look like what the romney people are looking at. they went out and set out to try to change that. they tried to register more people. they tried to early vote another people. add to romney people. there has been a fight going on to change the formation of the electorate so to speak by getting your voters there. both campaigns have been hammering in ohio to do that. both have done so very successfully and the romney people have done a better job than mccain did in 2008 visa vis the obama people. all of this is coming into play and the pollsters are looking on top of that. a younger electorate benefits obama. they are trying to turn out
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younger voters. are they going to be successful doing that? younger voters are less intense. romney thinks it will be lower. >> in other words hang on to your seats. we will find out on tuesday. i have to go, joe. thank you as always. >> thanks, greta. coming up, well the race is so close it could not be closer. are we headed for a possible recount or repeat of the 2000 election? we are here to talk about that. up next florida congressman allen west. the race is heated
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the rice on to get power restored across the northeast as temperatures dip near freezing. nearly two million homes don't interest electricity. forecasters predicting a nor'easter will slam the region
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on wednesday. the new jersey governor saying significant progress mass been made toward getting power back on in his state. the feds are looking for apartments and hotels ferriheme who have no place to live. fuel shortages still a problem. gas rationing in new jersey. new york's mayor saying the problems are getting better. he is louisiana advising those riding buses and subways to expect a crowded monday morning commute. i'm marianne rafferty. back to "on the record." for the latest headlines, log on to fox news .com. . >> oo the fight for florida it is a flood fest. tampa bay times bay news 9 leaves president obama 51 percent to 25 percent in florida. the college poll president obama
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is leading governor romney 49 percent to 47 percent. 8 point difference between the two polls. allen west joins us. we have two different polls that say two different things. tell me who is going to win and how do we know that? oo i believe the former poll which has governor romney 51 to 45 or 46. we finished the polling sites. we have visited a lot in northern part of palm beach county and saint luge shaw county. it is an incredible turnout. it is leaning toward the republican side in governor romney's favor. you see the enthuse naturals on that si -- enthusiasm on that as well. you have unemployment at 12 percent in saint lucia county.
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state of florida is the highest state of foreclosures in the united states of america. you continuously see the small businesses closing up not opening. the access of the capital is not flowing that is one of the unintended consequences and you have south florida jewish community not happy with the president as far as the state with israel. if you can drive by the turnpike and see obama oy vay or friends don't let friends get newt those are from viewish grass-roots organizations. that tells you this is an atmosphere not conducive to the president being successful. >> one piece of information as we sort through this is early voting for democrats is down three points. it is up two points with the
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republicans. t how is your race? i have two different polls for your race. i have one that is a commanding lead and one which is neck and neck. >> i would think you would definitely believe the one with the commanding lead. they all know that the polling they see with us having a good lead over our opponent we are talking about the issues talking about solving these issues as far as our small business owners talking about turning back the regular story environment. they are trying to put on the agriculture industry. make sure we are doing the right things with our beach cleaned up and also the everglades restorationstration project which is very important for natural resources and tourism we enjoy down here. we will be fine come election
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night. >> what can either candidate do between now and tuesday? anything at all? >> i think you pretty much saw on a determined cycle. nev everyone understands what is happening. there may be a few people out there who have niche issues that they are still holding out on. it is hard to find a person undecided. once again we go back to look at our gross domestic product. we are only producing 1.6 percent from the last quarter's report. the 2 percent number if you extract out the government that's where we are. we look at unemployment supposedly with the stimulus package we would be between 5.4 and 5.8 percent. you talk about median family income they like to talk about the middle class. the median family income they are down 4 percent naturally. the black community is down 11 percent. small businesses, families are being impacted adversely with
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all of these horrific policies. >> thank you, sir, we will be watching your race on tuesday. thank you, sir. thank you, sir. up next our abigail higgins had... ...a tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit. which provided for their every financial need. and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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>> in florida monitor storm
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sandy facing poling changing. a woem raised for trying to vote twice. a man claiming he voted four times on facebook. the rice couldn't be tighter. how will requiring layerities impact the election? our political panel is in all across the country. ohio, new york, in washington. because you are in ohio, byron, i have to get your thoughts on ohio tonight. >> this came back from a rally the president obama held the university cincinnati campus. they got 50,000 people really enclues i can't say tick. i would have to say having gone to the mitt romney rally bigger one on friday night in the cincinnati area this one tonight it is hard to see any gap between the parties in terms of
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enthusiasm. >> voter irregularities are we going to have a problem? >> we have gotten off to an unfavorable start with some of the issues going on right now. there is always one state razor thin. doesn't happen to be critical in the election. if it is we are talking about a messy end game for all of this. a lot of issues around absentee ballots, ohio in particular things could last quite a twiel: it is good we cannage knock things on the front end before tuesday. >> in ohio the race if it is really close in ohio, ohio doesn't vote at expected 200,000 provisional ballots. if it's close we have to wait for those ballots to be counted, 10-days. both sides have millions of dollars ready they have recount funds for legal expenses and hundreds of lawyers. >> you know what i think is
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apauling the state of florida some people have waited 7 hours to do early voting. i thi i think if you are going to create an early voting system if you make them wait 7 hours you are almost taking away the right to vote. >> if you wait 10 minutes for a sub you get annoyed 7 hours. >> i am voting the other day and took me about 30 minutes. that seemed like a long time. early voting is an option that is out there for people. people still have election day out there. it is purple commuterrible comm under staffed. if you offer early voting make it so people could vote in a prompt amount of time. >> many can't accofford to trav and get off work again. you need to make it so that it is really available.
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>> at the broad question there were two separate mentions of the thakt that florida in 2000 decided by 537 votes. they are expecting you are right all of our legal teams is ready to go. >> we should be on election day. the clinical pressure on one side that would play a luj role. the public is going to want it. stand by. up next if you are governor romney or president obama who new pink lemonade 5-hour energy?
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5-hour energy supports the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. so i can get the energized feeling i need and support a great cause? i'm sold. pink lemonade 5-hour energy? yeah and a portion of every sale goes to the avon foundation for women breast cancer crusade. i'm sold. new pink lemonade 5-hour energy. get the alert, energized feeling you need and support breast cancer research and access to care.
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>> greta: whoever wins the election is going to have some tough decisions. who would be smart cabinet picks? rick, first to you, tell me what you think would be interesting for either candidate to pick. >> let's have some fun here. for president obama, if you want to have fun with your secretary
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of commerce, make it a secretary of business, put powell -- put colin powell in the cabinet. for governor romney, i like the idea of taking rudy guiliani and making him your attorney general. they don't get along that well, they had a testy relationship. he has done a lot of work for himmed on the trail and he would be a feisty person on the justice department. >> if mitt romney becomes president and does it byg ohio, he will owe rob portman big time. he should give him anything he wants. secretary of the treasury would be a likely pick. another thing, they should find a place for newt gingrich. he remains one of the most interesting ideas guys in the party, perhaps secretary of ideas. if president obama wins a second term, he is not going to run again, but there is a big field coming up for the republicans in 2016, maybe take one of those off the table. his new best friend chris
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christie as attorney general or marco rubio for a prominent spot. >> i think the country is dying for some problem solver. so whoever the president is can't pick the token member of the are the party and have one in the cabinet. i think both of them should think of independent-minded people, mike bloomberg, steven la turret, a retiring house member, those are the people who will show the big problems are going to be solved. >> greta: i will tell you what i think, if president obama is re-elected, i think he should pick something really bizarre like mitt romney to be secretary of commerce. announce, i am the president, but governor romney's going to help me. and mitt romney, scott brown, as attorney general because i think he will be beat nen massachusetts. thank you for being with us. we will see you tomorrow night. former governor of alaska, sarah palin and former speaker newt gingrich will be here. good night from washington, d.c.


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